Windows “Critical Process Died” Error PLEASE HELP - Microsoft Community - How Do I Fix Blue Critical Process Died Error on Windows 10/8/7?

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Windows 10 blue screen error codes critical process died free download -


If a critical system can't run properly, the operating system will run into some troubles. Some computers ever enter the loop of continuous rebooting due to "Critical Process Died" every time. The related topic - Critical Process Died keeps restarting is also can be found online.

This Windows 10 stop code occurs when the process required to boot the operating system ended accidentally for some unknown reasons.

This error typically occurs after a Windows 10 system upgrade or the installation of a new Windows in PCs. Due to Windows 10 advantages, most people choose to upgrade to the new system.

However, this upgrade may cause some issues, for example, partition disappearance , slow startup speed, etc. Even during the process of Windows upgrade or after a successful upgrade, the 0xef error or BSOD stop code could appear due to the compatibility issue, RAM issue, corrupted or modified system files, bad sectors, etc.

Well then, what should you do to fix Windows 10 when its critical process died after update? Get the solutions in the following sections now. In fact, Windows 10 Critical Process Died on boot is a common issue talked about in many forums and articles, and we have found some useful solutions to fix it as follows.

Quick Video Guide:. In general, this error can make your desktop or laptop unable unusable and you have to restart your computer. You always get this issue every time you restart the computer. In this case, you can restart the computer in safe mode.

This is quite a quick way for turning on the computer Windows system, which may prevent you from getting this error in the process of computer startup. You can also enter into Safe Mode through another way.

You will get the following screenshot; press the corresponding key so as to enable Safe Mode. After you restart the computer in Safe Mode, you should check whether there are some errors in all your device drivers.

Generally, many blue screen errors like 0xef error could be caused by hardware or drivers. Please follow the guidance listed below:. In addition, it is possible that the hardware drivers are no longer compatible with your Windows system after an upgrade. Therefore, it is necessary to upgrade all drivers by right-clicking a driver and selecting Upgrade Driver Software.

This is a useful Critical Process Died Windows 10 fix. The system I have here starts booting and eventually stops with the Critical Process Died error. Same if I try to boot into safe mode. How about a real solution for a non-booting computer?

I solved the problem of mine. I open the cpu case and take out 1 hard disk. Found that the temperature is very hot. I just unplug my second hard disk. Then after cooling down and power on the pc… Glad my files are save. Hope it helps.

Not at all helpful. She will not Safe Start either. For about a year, no trouble at all — but BSoD yesterday. Have unplugged everything, Have tried both RAM individually in both slots — no change in behaviour. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please click on the following link to open the newsletter signup page: Ghacks Newsletter Sign up. Ghacks is a technology news blog that was founded in by Martin Brinkmann. It has since then become one of the most popular tech news sites on the Internet with five authors and regular contributions from freelance writers.

Search for:. DriverUpdate Version 2. Download Now. Driver Easy Version 5. Melanie Gross. Related content Windows 11 Insider Preview Build Microsoft rolls out KB emergency Windows Update to fix PrintNightmare vulnerabilities, but it seems to be affecting Zebra printers.

No direct upgrade path from Windows 7 or 8. Try this fix if you get "This pc can't run Windows 11" during setup. How to block the Windows 11 update. Here's what's new in the Microsoft Store app in Windows 11; a better design, ratings, screenshots in listings and more. Previous Post: « Windows Defender vulnerability discovered and fixed Next Post: « Windows million machines and counting. Comments T J said on May 10, at pm.

Hi Melanie. ZippyDSMlee said on May 11, at am. That should work since it replaces all the files but dose not always delete your files. Dave said on May 30, at pm. I would love to know what caused it in the first place though! Harish said on October 15, at am. Geoff said on October 26, at am. I have exactly the same issue as Harish. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member.

Just a little background I upgraded to windows 10 back in August. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.

I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Hi, Thank you for posting your query in Microsoft Community Forums. See Image 8. Navigate to the Services tab, select Hide all Microsoft Services. Click Disable all and proceed. See Image 9. Navigate to the Startup tab and click Open Task Manager. See Image Locate and select the faulty startup item from the screen, and click Disable. Once done with the process, close the Task Manager, click OK and reboot the system in the clean boot environment.

These steps should clean boot Windows Sometimes corrupt system files may also be the reason behind this error. Follow the given steps to use the system file checker:. When you reach into Automatic Repair setup, click Troubleshoot. Image Choose Command Prompt from Advanced option window. Wait until the system scan completes, and once it is done, close the Command Prompt and restart the system.

Open Command Prompt and click Run as administrator. Start typing the following commands separately:. Click Uninstall updates on the next prompt. Image Select Uninstall updates from View update history page. Find out the update you installed recently, which is causing the problem, right-click on it and click Uninstall. According to Microsoft support , the BSOD error might occur due to incompatibility of a recently installed third-party software such as an antivirus with the Windows device.



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